Changes in Border Crossing Regulations in Myanmar

The Government has recent­ly revi­sed their rules and regu­la­ti­ons regar­ding Bor­der Crossing effec­tive from 01 July 2011.

All ent­e­ring Myan­mar are requi­red to exit the coun­try through the same bor­der.  E.g. cli­ents ent­e­ring  the coun­try from Tachi­lek will have to lea­ve Myan­mar through Tachi­lek. from any other or over­land will not be allo­wed.

The above men­tio­ned regu­la­ti­ons are valid with imme­dia­te effect for an inde­fi­ni­te peri­od of time.
We will keep you infor­med about any other deve­lop­ments.

If you need any fur­ther infor­ma­ti­on plea­se con­tact your sales per­son in char­ge.