Earthquake in Indonesia /​ Erdbeben in Indonesien

A 7.1 Rich­ter magnitu­de struck ’s main island of Java ear­ly this morning. The­re were no imme­dia­te reports of inju­ries or dama­ge from this qua­ke.

The U.S. Geo­lo­gi­cal Sur­vey men­tio­ned that the epi­cent­re was loca­ted about 318 kilo­me­tres (near­ly 200 miles) in the sou­thern Java which is just only 24 kilo­me­tres (15 miles) bene­ath the floor.

Thousands of peop­le in the town of Cila­cap pou­red into the streets and ran to high ground becau­se of poten­ti­al tsu­na­mi aler­ted, but the­re was not­hing hap­pen­ed after the aler­ted of a tsu­na­mi had pas­sed.

, one of the main cen­tral in which loca­ted appro­xi­mate­ly 175 kilo­me­tres from the qua­ke, has no effect to tou­rist activi­ty. And , loca­ted more than 700 kilo­me­tres away from the ear­th­qua­ke , has no effect of this ear­th­qua­ke as well.

All tou­rist activi­ties and ser­vices remains in nor­mal con­di­ti­ons.