Flughafen Bali nach Ausbruch des Mt. Rinjani erneut geschlossen - Stand 04.11.2015

Due to the erup­ti­on of Mt. Rin­ja­ni in Indo­ne­sia yes­ter­day morning, 3 Novem­ber and the resul­ting haze cau­sed by this event, aut­ho­ri­ties have deci­ded to clo­se the Ngu­rah Rai Air­port in .

At this sta­ge the Air­port aut­ho­ri­ties have advi­sed that the Air­port clo­sure will remain until tomor­row, 5 Novem­ber at 8:45AM Bali local time. As a result the­re will be no depar­tures or arri­vals at this air­port during that time.

We will noti­fy you should the­re be any chan­ges to the above infor­ma­ti­on.