Neueste Infos - Stand der Unruhen in Bangkok am 27.01.2014

Thailand´s anti- pro­test move­ment is still occu­py­ing several major inter­sec­tions throughout the city in an attempt to ‘shut­down’ . The Thai has impo­sed a 60-day sta­te of emer­gen­cy in Bang­kok and several sur­roun­ding pro­vin­ces.

Despi­te a few inci­dents over the wee­kend, the remains very much the same as last week.

All pre-boo­ked excur­si­ons and air­port trans­fers are ope­ra­ting as nor­mal.
Tou­rism sites, public trans­port and both air­ports are open and ope­ra­ting as nor­mal.

While the pro­tests are taking place, we will con­ti­nue to con­tac­ts cli­ents arri­ving into Bang­kok to inform them of the loca­ti­on of the pro­tests, and to advi­se them to avo­id the­se are­as along with other lar­ge gathe­rings and demons­tra­ti­ons.