mehr Freigepäck bei Thai Airways

Bei Thai Air­ways gel­ten künf­tig für alle Flü­ge im gesam­ten Stre­cken­netz erhöh­te Frei­ge­päck­men­gen. So kön­nen die Pas­sa­gie­re in der Eco­no­my jetzt 30 Kilo, in der Busi­ness 40 Kilo und in der First Class 50 Kilo Frei­ge­päck mit­neh­men.


Quel­le tra­vel one

News Thailand: flooding Neueste Nachrichten über die Überschwemmungen in Thailand


We would like to update you on the latest situa­ti­on regar­ding the floo­ding and wea­ther con­di­ti­ons around Thai­land.

Ayutt­ha­ya is still floo­ded, and all Asia World sight­see­ing tours to Ayutt­ha­ya are sus­pen­ded until at least the end of Octo­ber. Our sight­see­ing tours to Lop­bu­ri and Uthai Tha­ni are also sus­pen­ded, but all other Asia World tours are ope­ra­ting as nor­mal, inclu­ding our sight­see­ing tours in Bang­kok.

Some sub­urbs on the far north out­s­kirts of Bang­kok have been floo­ded, but so far the city cent­re has­n’t been affec­ted. Many shops and houses are lay­ing out sand­bags to pro­tect against the floods, but so far they have not been nee­ded in cen­tral Bang­kok. The aut­ho­ri­ties are doing their best to mana­ge the flow of water so that it drains saf­ley into the sea through Bangkok’s exten­si­ve canal net­work, and during this pro­cess it is pos­si­ble that some canals may overs­pill and cau­se some floo­ding. Howe­ver, at this sta­ge it looks unli­kely that the cen­tral busi­ness district and the are­as whe­re most tou­rist attrac­tions and hotels are will beco­me serious­ly floo­ded.

We are moni­to­ring the situa­ti­on very clo­se­ly and, as always, the safe­ty of our cli­ents is our num­ber one prio­ri­ty. If the situa­ti­on chan­ges in Bang­kok or any other part of Thai­land we will update you as soon as pos­si­ble, and we have very care­ful con­tin­gen­cy plans in place in case the floo­ding is wor­se than expec­ted.

The floo­ded high­ways in Cen­tral Thai­land are star­ting to clear, with some sec­tions that were pre­vious­ly floo­ded beco­m­ing acces­si­ble. Howe­ver, as a safe­ty pre­cau­ti­on our clas­sic Bang­kok to the North over­land tour is still being re-rou­t­ed along high­way 340 ins­tead of Asia High­way No. 1, which results in an extra 2.5 hours jour­ney time for this tour.

All trains from Bang­kok to the north of Thai­land are can­cel­led until fur­ther noti­ce.

The­re is no dis­rup­ti­on to any air­ports in Thai­land, inclu­ding Bangkok’s main inter­na­tio­nal air­port which has for­ti­fied its flood walls as an extra precua­ti­on.

Quel­le Asia World

Travelling to Ambon in Indonesia - The Original Spice Island

The tiny islands of Ambon, Ban­da, Saum­la­ki,Ter­na­te and Tido­re - among the thousands of islands in the Moluc­cas seas,- chan­ged the cour­se of world histo­ry from the 15th cen­tu­ry onwards. The­se islands were what trig­ge­red the European Age of Explo­ra­ti­on.  

For in search of the Spi­ce Islands in the Far East, Chris­to­pher Colum­bus sai­led west – and dis­co­ve­r­ed Ame­ri­ca. Vas­co da Gama sai­led south and dis­co­ve­r­ed the long rou­te around Africa’s Cape of Good Hope in 1498 to final­ly reach India after a long and peri­lous voya­ge. Only later did the Por­tu­gue­se final­ly dis­co­ver the sea rou­te to Ban­da and Ambon. The­se small islands in the eas­tern deep seas of the Indo­ne­si­an archipe­la­go were for cen­tu­ries the sole pro­du­cers of the fra­grant nut­meg and mace in the world. At the time the­se spi­ces fet­ched their weight in gold in Medi­eval Euro­pe.

The tiny islands of Ter­na­te and Tido­re,  urther north of Ambon were pro­du­cers of cloves. Ter­na­te is whe­re the Majes­tic Mount Gama­l­a­ma and the asto­nis­hing Lake Toli­re are loca­ted. Indian and Arab tra­ders would sell cloves in Euro­pe for exor­bi­tant pri­ces, but kept the loca­ti­on of their source a tight­ly held secret. The­se are the Moluc­cas – or Mal­uku – the ori­gi­nal Spi­ce Islands, that are now divi­ded into the two pro­vin­ces of Mal­uku and North Mal­uku.  

It is from the­se islands that the Dutch East India Com­pa­ny first gai­ned their strang­le­hold on the spi­ce tra­de in the archipe­la­go, gra­dual­ly colo­ni­zing the Indo­ne­si­an islands over three cen­tu­ries, until it came to be cal­led the Dutch East Indies, the pre­sent-day Repu­blic of Indo­ne­sia.

As the glo­ry days spi­ces pas­sed, the signi­fi­can­ce of the Moluc­cas waned. But it is here whe­re the histo­ry of European explo­ra­ti­ons and colo­ni­za­ti­on began.
For­tu­n­a­te­ly the beau­ty of that era still remains. Today, the town of Ambon is the capi­tal of Mal­uku, occu­py­ing a small flat area by the beau­ti­ful Ambon Bay that is backed by lush green moun­tains and facing deep crys­tal clear waters that are ali­ve with color­ful coral gar­dens and untold spe­ci­es of mari­ne crea­tures.

Alt­hough small in size, Ambon island still offers ple­nty of expe­ri­en­ces for adven­tur­ous tra­velers. From explo­ring the char­ming Kota Ambon – the main town of the island, to wal­king up moun­tains through lush tro­pi­cal vege­ta­ti­on, the­re are many undis­co­ve­r­ed gems rea­dy for visi­tors to expe­ri­ence.  
The town of Ambon – Kota Ambon – is known as ‘Ambon Mani­se’ mea­ning sweet or beau­ti­ful Ambon. The name refers to both the beau­ty of the peop­le here and the beau­ty of the tro­pi­cal island loca­ti­on.

As one of the ear­liest pla­ces in Indo­ne­sia to be occu­pied by colo­ni­al powers, Ambon has a rich and anci­ent histo­ry. Many of the Ambo­ne­se today have mixed European and Ambo­ne­se heri­ta­ge.

Visit here and dis­co­ver cen­tu­ries-old fortres­ses and the lite­ra­tu­re of local king­doms which traces the sto­ry of the peop­le, from peri­ods of pro­spe­ri­ty to esca­la­ting and con­trol­led tra­des, harsh colo­nia­lism, a gru­e­ling strugg­le, and final­ly, to inde­pen­dence.  

The island also play­ed an important role in World War II when Ambon was used as a head­quar­ters for the Japa­ne­se mili­ta­ry. Rem­nants from the war still remain, both in muse­ums and the open air. Some war arti­fac­ts remain silent­ly under­wa­ter. Today, the­se rem­nants are among the most valued his­to­ri­cal sites in Ambon.  

Ambon is mul­ti­cul­tu­ral and home to various eth­ni­ci­ties inclu­ding the nati­ve Ali­fu­ru tri­bes, the migra­ting Java­ne­se, Suma­trans, Minaha­s­ans, the Butons, the Arabs who came in the 9th cen­tu­ry, the Europeans, and the Chi­ne­se who first came in the 7th cen­tu­ry to sha­re in the com­mer­ce of this pros­pe­rous spi­ce island.  Bet­ween 1999-2002 the island was the sce­ne of Chris­ti­an-Mus­lim vio­lence howe­ver sin­ce 2004 the island has main­tai­ned a peri­od of ongo­ing peace.


mit Air Berlin ab Berlin nonstop nach New York

Deutsch­lands zweit­größ­te Flug­ge­sell­schaft Air Ber­lin baut ihre Fern­flü­ge aus. In Vor­be­rei­tung auf den Bei­tritt zur One­world will CEO Joa­chim Hunold im Mai 2011 eine neue Rou­te Berlin–New York auf­neh­men. Somit haben auch alle USA und New York Fans aus Ber­lin und Umge­bung die Gele­gen­heit eine span­nen­de Metro­po­le ken­nen zu ler­nen ver­bun­den mit einer beque­men Anrei­se zum Flug­ha­fen.