Feiertage im Monat Mai in Asien

Dates    Public Holi­days in Indo­ne­sia
01 May 2014    Labour Day
15 May 2014    Waisak Day
21 May 2014    Hari Raya Galun­gan
27 May 2014    Isra Miraj
29 May 2014    Ascen­si­on Day
31 May 2014    Hari Raya Kunin­gan

Dates    Public Holi­days in Laos
01 May 2014    Labour Day*
13 May 2014    Boun Vis­ak­ha­bou­cha**
* For Vien­tia­ne and Luang Pra­bang
** For Vien­tia­ne only

Dates    Public Holi­days in Viet­nam
01 May 2014    Labour Day

Dates    Public Holi­days in Cam­bo­dia
01 May 2014    Inter­na­tio­nal Labour Day
13 May 2014    Visak Bochea Day
14 May 2014    King Siha­mo­ni Bir­th­day
17 May 2014    Roy­al Ploughing Day

Dates    Public Holi­days in Thai­land
01 May 2014    Nati­on Labour Day
05 May 2014    Coro­na­ti­on Day
13 May 2014    Wis­akha Bucha Day

Dates    Public Holi­days in Myan­mar
01 May 2014    World Worker’s Day
13 May 2014    Full Moon of Kason

Feiertage in Asien, Kambodscha, Thailand und Laos - Februar 2014

Dates Public Holi­day in Cam­bo­dia
14 Febru­a­ry 2014 Meak Bochea Day
Dates Public Holi­day in Thai­land
14 Febru­a­ry 2014 Makha Bucha Day
Dates Public Holi­day in Laos
14 Febru­a­ry 2014 Boun Mak­ha­bu­sa Day *
* for Vien­tia­ne and Luang Pra­bang
Dates Public Holi­day in India
27 Febru­a­ry 2014 Shiv­ra­tri

Feiertage in Asien im November

Dates    Public Holi­days in India
4 Novem­ber 2013    Deepa­va­li

in Indo­ne­sia
5 Novem­ber 2013    Isla­mic New Year

in Cam­bo­dia
9 Novem­ber 2013    Inde­pen­dence Day
16-18 Novem­ber 2013    Water Fes­ti­val

in Laos
18 Novem­ber 2013    Sub­sti­tu­te of Boun That Luang Fes­ti­val Day on 17 Novem­ber 2013 *
* For Vien­tia­ne only
in Myan­mar
18 Novem­ber 2013    Full Moon Day of Tasaung­mo­ne

Bus Service Mekong

Bus Ser­vice Com­ing to the Mekong
Tra­ve­ling the Mekong just got easier. Thai­land and Cam­bo­dia are set­ting up bus trans­port across the regi­on.

The agree­ment, which was signed last week, will pro­vi­de pas­sen­ger and car­go trans­por­ta­ti­on across the Aran­ya­pra­thet-Poi­pet bor­der. The pro­po­sed rou­tes are from Bang­kok to Phnom Penh and Bang­kok to Bat­tam­bang.

The rou­tes are expec­ted to start by the end of the year.

Thailand Cambodia Conflict

The­re was a brief exchan­ge of fire bet­ween Cam­bo­di­an and Thai tro­ops yes­ter­day after­noon, but calm quick­ly retur­ned. The­re was no infor­ma­ti­on on whe­ther the most recent exchan­ge of fire at Preah Vihe­ar in Si Sa Ket pro­vin­ce had cau­sed any casu­al­ties.

The Cam­bo­di­an government has con­fir­med that Thailand’s Defence minis­ter has pul­led out of cease­fire talks that were sche­du­led to be held in Phnom Penh on Wed­nes­day.

Tens of thousands of peop­le have fled figh­t­ing bet­ween Thai­land and Cam­bo­dia over the past week with near­ly 30,000 peop­le living in 33 tem­pora­ry shel­ters in Thai­land.

This con­flict has had no effect on any of our tours ope­ra­ting in Cam­bo­dia or Thai­land as the area is far away from the popu­lar tou­rist desti­na­ti­ons.