Nyepi Day 2014 Bali

Nye­pi Day 2014 in Bali

March 31st, 2014, marks the first day of the Bali­ne­se New Year 1936 and is known as Nye­pi Day. This is a public holi­day in Bali.

Rei­se­infor­ma­tio­nen zu Bali fin­den Sie hier

For Bali­ne­se Hin­dus, Nye­pi is meant to be a day of self-intro­s­pec­tion to deci­de on values such as huma­ni­ty, love, pati­ence, kind­ness, etc., and they will spend the day in total silence, medi­ta­ti­on and fas­ting. Bali­ne­se Hin­dus have many kinds of cele­bra­ti­ons but Nye­pi is perhaps the most important of the island’s reli­gious days and is part of what makes Bali such a uni­que island.

The Nye­pi Day will start at 6am on 31st March and will end at 6am on 01st April.

This is a day of com­ple­te silence wit­hout any noi­se, traf­fic, fire, and lights. The island will be shut down; the har­bours around Bali and the air­port will be clo­sed for domestic and inter­na­tio­nal pas­sen­ger flights. No tra­vel­ling is allo­wed so we will not be ope­ra­ting any excur­si­ons on this day. Exemp­ti­ons on move­ment will only be pro­vi­ded to emer­gen­cy ser­vice vehi­cles and per­son­nel.

As a result the­re will be a limi­ta­ti­on to the ser­vice offe­red in hotels, and alt­hough they will be allo­wed to turn on some lights, this will be kept to a mini­mum to ser­ve basic pur­po­ses. Guests are not able to lea­ve the hotels, howe­ver the hotel staff will pro­vi­de guests with infor­ma­ti­on about various activi­ties that will be arran­ged insi­de the hotels.

It is expec­ted that ever­yo­ne will obey and respect the­se local regu­la­ti­ons.

Nye­pi Day 2014 Bali- Yakee tra­vel bucht Ihnen ger­ne Ihre Traum­rei­se

Nyepi Day Bali - Tag der Stille 2014

Das tra­di­tio­nel­le Neu­jahrs­fest auf Bali der Nye­pi Day  fällt in 2014 auf den 31. März. Wegen des Fests zum “Tag der Stil­le” bleibt der Flug­ha­fen in Den­pa­sar vom 30. März, 16 Uhr, bis 1. April, 6 Uhr, geschlos­sen.