Die Bangkok Airways erweitert das Streckennetz

Die thai­län­di­sche Air­line Bang­kok Air­ways erwei­tert ihr Pro­gramm. Ab dem 31.03. gibt es zwei täg­li­che Flü­ge von Bang­kok nach Kra­bi und ab dem 16.09. vier wöchent­li­che Flü­ge von Bang­kok nach Man­da­lay; bei­de Desti­na­tio­nen sind bereits buch­bar. Außer­dem wird es drei täg­li­che Flü­ge von Bang­kok nach Trat geben sowie ab dem 31.03. fünf Ver­bin­dun­gen pro Woche von Bang­kok auf die Male­di­ven. Den Som­mer über sol­len zusätz­li­che Ver­bin­dun­gen zwi­schen den Feri­en­zie­len Phu­ket und Koh Samui zur Ver­fü­gung gestellt wer­den. Kürz­lich erst wur­de die Direkt­ver­bin­dung Bang­kok - Vien­tia­ne und Zusatz­plät­ze zwi­schen Hong Kong und Koh Samui auf­ge­nom­men. Je nach Sai­son wer­den die Flug­ka­pa­zi­tä­ten nach Koh Samui, Siem Reap und Luang Pra­bang ange­passt wer­den. Somit wer­den die Rei­se­mög­lich­kei­ten für Asi­en­ur­lau­ber wesent­lich ver­bes­sert. Ins­ge­samt ope­riert die Bang­kok Air­ways zwi­schen eini­gen thai­län­di­schen Städ­ten (Bang­kok, Chiang Mai, Lam­pang, Suk­ho­t­hai, Trat, Phu­ket, Koh Samui und Kra­bi)  und fliegt auch elf inter­na­tio­na­le Zie­le an (Hong Kong, Sin­g­a­po­re, Kua­la Lum­pur, Luang Pra­bang, Vien­tia­ne, Phnom Penh, Siem Reap, Yan­gon, Male, Dha­ka und Mum­bai).

Weather Situation Phuket Koh Samui Südthailand

Plea­se allow us to keep you updated on the latest wea­ther con­di­ti­ons in Thai­land:

 The wea­ther in sou­thern Thai­land has impro­ved great­ly over the last 24 hours, and things are star­ting to return to nor­mal. The cur­rent situa­ti­on is as fol­lows:


Wea­ther is fine on Phu­ket today, and the air­port and all major roads remain open.

All of our island tours and speed boat trips are ope­ra­ting now, alt­hough they could be can­cel­led if the wea­ther wor­sens.

All boats and fer­ries from Phu­ket to near­by islands are ope­ra­ting as nor­mal.

Koh Samui:


Alt­hough the­re has been some rain­fall today, the floods on the island have signi­fi­cant­ly redu­ced, and trans­port around the island is rela­tively easy. The­re is still some clean-up work to be done, but things are retur­ning to nor­mal.

Koh Samui air­port is open and ope­ra­ting as nor­mal.

All fer­ries and boats to and from Koh Samui, bet­ween the main­land and other islands (Koh Pha Ngan, Koh Tao) are run­ning as nor­mal.

All of our sea excur­si­ons, island tours and speed boat trips are ope­ra­ting now, alt­hough they could be can­cel­led if the wea­ther wor­sens.



All fer­ries and boats bet­ween Kra­bi and near­by islands are ope­ra­ting as nor­mal today.

All of our sea excur­si­ons around Kra­bi  are ope­ra­ting now, alt­hough they could be can­cel­led if the wea­ther wor­sens.

Kra­bi and Trang air­ports are still open and ope­ra­ting as nor­mal.

Sou­thern Thai­land:


Nak­horn Si Thamma­rat air­port is still floo­ded and the­re­fo­re remains clo­sed as of today.


No trains are ope­ra­ting to or bey­ond Nak­horn Si Thamma­rat, the most sou­ther­ly pro­vin­ce that trains are ser­vicing is Surat Tha­ni.

Update weather condition Thailand

Plea­se let us update you about the cur­rent wea­ther con­di­ti­on in Sou­thern Thai­land. 

The wea­ther con­di­ti­on in Koh Samui is almost back to nor­mal today. The­re is no more rain. Only some lower are­as are still affec­ted with the flood, but most are­as are clea­ned up or are under the clea­ning pro­cess.

Most are­as have not been affec­ted with the flood in Phu­ket as the­re is no hea­vy the­re. For Kra­bi, it is slight­ly clou­dy sky with sunshi­ne today.

Air­port and Air­lines

- Samui Air­port: The regu­lar­ly sche­du­led flights of Thai Air­ways and Bang­kok Air­ways have been resu­med as air visi­bi­li­ty at Samui Air­port is safe for flight ope­ra­ti­ons. The air­port is not crow­ded any­mo­re as the num­ber of stran­ded pas­sen­gers has redu­ced. Still, out­go­ing flights from Samui are slight­ly delay­ed due to the check-in pro­ce­du­re. 

- Phu­ket Air­port: The air­port was ope­ra­ting throughout the past days wit­hout huge delays.

- Kra­bi Air­port: The air­port can be acces­sed as nor­mal.

Fer­ry Ser­vices

*Rou­tes that fer­ries are ope­ra­ted as nor­mal:
- From main­land to Koh Samui
- From/​to Koh Phan­gan and Koh Tao
- From Kra­bi to Koh Lan­ta
- From Kra­bi to Phi Phi Island

*Rou­tes that fer­ries still have been sus­pen­ded:
- From Koh Lan­ta to Koh Mook /​ Koh Kra­dan /​ Koh Ngai


Wettersituation Koh Samui Phuket Stand 01.04.11

The wea­ther in sou­thern Thai­land is sho­wing signs of impro­ve­ment, and things are star­ting to return to nor­mal. Howe­ver, the­re is still some dis­rup­ti­on.

The cur­rent situa­ti­on is as fol­lows:


The air­port and all major roads remain open.

The rough sea con­di­ti­ons are pre­ven­ting smal­ler boats from ope­ra­ting, so all of our island tours and speed boat trips are can­cel­led until fur­ther noti­ce.

Lar­ge fer­ries from Phu­ket to Koh Phi Phi are still ope­ra­ting as nor­mal.

Koh Samui:

The floods in Cha­weng, Lamai, Maenam and Bophut are star­ting to rece­de, alt­hough water levels are still qui­te high. Vehi­cles can now dri­ve around most of the island, albeit with cau­ti­on, hence jour­ney times are lon­ger than expec­ted.

Samui air­port is back to almost full capa­ci­ty, and most stran­ded pas­sen­gers have been trans­fer­red off the island. Any peop­le who are left should be able to lea­ve very soon.

Fer­ries to /​ from the main­land and Koh Samui are now ope­ra­ting again.

Fer­ries from the main­land to /​ from Koh Pha Ngan are now ope­ra­ting again.

Only fer­ries to /​ from Koh Tao, and bet­ween Koh Samui and Koh Pha Ngan are sus­pen­ded – but the­se are expec­ted to resu­me ope­ra­ti­ons tomor­row.

As the sea is still too rough for small boats to ope­ra­te safe­ly, all of our boat trips and sea excur­si­ons around Samui are can­cel­led until fur­ther noti­ce.


All fer­ries were ope­ra­ting as usu­al this morning, but were forced to stop their ser­vices this after­noon due to bad wea­ther.  We expect that they should be ope­ra­ting as nor­mal tomor­row unless the wea­ther wor­sens signi­fi­cant­ly over­night.

All of our sea excur­si­ons around Kra­bi are sus­pen­ded until fur­ther noti­ce.

Kra­bi and Trang air­ports are still open and ope­ra­ting as nor­mal.

Sou­thern Thai­land

Nak­horn Si Thamma­rat air­port is still floo­ded and the­re­fo­re remains clo­sed as of today.

Ori­ent Thai Air­lines, who flies to Nak­horn Si Thamma­rat air­port in sou­thern Thai­land, has can­cel­led all flights and is re-rou­ting pas­sen­gers to Phu­ket, Trang and Hat Yai, or allo­wing a chan­ge of tra­vel dates or a full refund.

Thai Air Asia has also can­cel­led all Nak­horn Si Thamma­rat flights, rerou­ting pas­sen­gers to near­by air­ports or allo­wing chan­ge of tra­vel dates wit­hin 92 days of ori­gi­nal tra­vel dates. Refunds are offe­red depen­ding on ticket con­di­ti­ons. The nea­rest alter­na­ti­ve air­port is Surat Tha­ni, and the air­line is pro­vi­ding a free shut­tle ser­vice from the­re to Nak­horn Si Thamma­rat.

Nok Air has also stop­ped all Nak­horn Si Thamma­rat flights until 4th April and is offe­ring refunds and alter­na­ti­ve tra­vel opti­ons simi­lar to the other air­lines.

No trains are ope­ra­ting to or bey­ond Nak­horn Si Thamma­rat, the most sou­ther­ly pro­vin­ce that trains are ser­vicing is Surat Tha­ni.