Flugzeugabsturz in Laos

At appro­xi­mate­ly 4.00 pm on 16 Octo­ber 2013, a Lao Air­lines pla­ne (flight QV301) on a sche­du­led flight from Vien­tia­ne to Pak­se in Laos cras­hed befo­re lan­ding at Pak­se Inter­na­tio­nal Air­port. As a result, the­re were a num­ber of fata­li­ties to pas­sen­gers and crew. Media reports indi­ca­te that the­re were no sur­vi­vors among the 49 pas­sen­gers and crew.

As a result of this crash, the­re may be tem­pora­ry chan­ges to Lao Air­lines flight sche­du­les.