Thailand Cambodia Conflict

The­re was a brief exchan­ge of fire bet­ween Cam­bo­di­an and Thai tro­ops yes­ter­day after­noon, but calm quick­ly retur­ned. The­re was no infor­ma­ti­on on whe­ther the most recent exchan­ge of fire at Preah Vihe­ar in Si Sa Ket pro­vin­ce had cau­sed any casu­al­ties.

The Cam­bo­di­an has con­fir­med that ’s minis­ter has pul­led out of cease­fire talks that were sche­du­led to be held in Phnom Penh on Wed­nes­day.

Tens of thousands of peop­le have fled figh­t­ing bet­ween Thai­land and over the past week with near­ly 30,000 peop­le living in 33 tem­pora­ry shel­ters in Thai­land.

This con­flict has had no on any of our tours ope­ra­ting in Cam­bo­dia or Thai­land as the area is far away from the popu­lar desti­na­ti­ons.