Thailand Update – Wednesday 9th November Bangkok

The situa­ti­on in remains very much the same as we have repor­ted in the last few days. The­re has been some addi­tio­nal in the north of the city, howe­ver the water is moving very slow­ly.
Several hotels in the nort­hern sub­urbs have expe­ri­en­ced some floo­ding in the sur­roun­ding streets; howe­ver the­se hotels are not used by our cli­ents.

Alt­hough the­se nort­hern sub­urbs remain floo­ded, the cent­re of Bang­kok, whe­re the hotels, main tou­rist sites, shop­ping cen­tres and night­li­fe are­as are loca­ted, has not had any floo­ding. All ser­vices (such as power and water) con­ti­nue to ope­ra­te in the­se are­as and both the sky­train and the sub­way are ope­ra­ting as nor­mal.

Suvarn­ab­hu­mi air­port remains open as nor­mal.  We recom­mend cli­ents to allow addi­tio­nal time at the air­port for check in.

has clo­sed and the air­lines which nor­mal­ly ope­ra­te from this air­port, Ori­ent Thai Air­lines and Nok Air, have relo­ca­ted to Suvarn­ab­hu­mi air­port.

While the­re has been some floo­ding near the river at high tides, the main hotels loca­ted along the Chao Pra­ya River con­ti­nue to ope­ra­te as nor­mal and the hotel boats are now allo­wed to ope­ra­te on the river as per their usu­al sche­du­les.

We are not ope­ra­ting the Klong Tour and the din­ner crui­ses, the muse­ums and Viman­mek Man­si­on are cur­r­ent­ly clo­sed. We are moni­to­ring the other tou­rist sites and will amend iti­ne­ra­ries accord­in­gly.

Our office is open as nor­mal. The area whe­re our office is loca­ted is cur­r­ent­ly free from any floo­ding, howe­ver to ensu­re con­ti­nuous ope­ra­ti­ons, we have a con­tin­gen­cy plan in place if it beco­mes necessa­ry to clo­se the Bang­kok office.  

The safe­ty of our cli­ents is our num­ber one prio­ri­ty and we are con­ti­nuing to care­ful­ly moni­tor the situa­ti­on regar­ding the floo­ding in Bang­kok and will pro­vi­de updates as nee­ded.

Other Are­as of 

The town and his­to­ri­cal park of Ayut­ha­ya remain floo­ded and no tours are ope­ra­ting, howe­ver the flood water is rece­ding. All affec­ted boo­kings will be rerou­t­ed and we will inform the cli­ents and their tour ope­ra­tors.

Train ser­vices to the north and south of Thai­land have resu­med.

The rest of Thai­land (Hua Hin, Cha Am, , Pat­ta­ya, Koh Samui, Kra­bi, Chiang Mai) has not had any floo­ding and all tours and packa­ges are ope­ra­ting as nor­mal.