Watergarden in Candi Dasa zur Zeit ein Steingarten

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Ope­ra­ti­ons of Water­gar­den Hotel in Can­di­da­sa, Dis­rup­ted by Dis­grunt­led Land Owner   (2011-08-22) The popu­lar Water­gar­den Hotel in the East com­mu­ni­ty of Can­disa­sa has had access to the hotel blo­cked by lar­ge stones put the­re by the owner of the land.   The owner of the land, I Gusti Gede Suya­sa, dum­ped a load of stones in front of the hotel in ear­ly August effec­tively bar­ring ent­ry and put­ting a halt to the nor­mal activi­ties of the hotel and adjoi­ning restau­rant.

A secu­ri­ty guard at the hotel, Nir­ka, told Nus­aBa­li: ‘Inde­ed, the­re is a con­flict bet­ween the owner of the land and the ren­ter. If you want to know more, ask the owner I Gusti Gede Sya­sa.   Con­tac­ted sepa­r­ate­ly, Suya­sa who owns the 4,170 squa­re meter lot, con­fir­med that the land was ori­gi­nal­ly ren­ted by his Father to Eng­lish­man Nigel Stuart Bre­den Gea­ry. That con­tract has a remai­ning 18 years left to run, but Suya­sa con­t­ends that Grea­ry had quiet­ly trans­fer­red the rema­in­der of his lea­se, inclu­ding the buil­dings, to a cer­tain ‘Mr. Tony.’

Suya­sa insists that the ori­gi­nal con­tract con­tai­ned a clau­se requi­ring Grea­ry to for­mal­ly advi­se whenever the lea­se con­tract chan­ged hands. Suya­sa told the press: ‘I don’t feel that I ever con­trac­ted the land to Tony, but only to Nigel. So what’s wrong with me put­ting stones on land that I own?’

Suya­sa, who is the heir of the ori­gi­nal owner of the land, says he is rea­dy to be cal­led by the poli­ce to ans­wer for his acts: ‘I am rea­dy to be inter­ro­ga­ted at any time. I say that I pla­ced stones on land that I own, can’t I do that?’