Myanmar: kein Visa on arrival mehr

A new poli­cy rela­ted to (VOA) for tou­rists in has just been issued and imme­dia­te­ly app­lied by the Immi­gra­ti­on Depart­ment under the Minis­try of Home Affairs. Accord­in­gly, new VOA app­li­ca­ti­ons will now be rejec­ted for F.I.T. tra­vel­lers, howe­ver groups of 10 or more can still app­ly for a VOA as nor­mal.

Hence, all tou­rists tra­vel­ling to Myan­mar as inde­pen­dent tra­vel­lers, or in groups of less that 10, should app­ly for a  to Myan­mar at the clo­sest Myan­mar Embas­sy. The Minis­try of Hotel and Tou­rism is fina­li­zing the new poli­cy which will be offi­ci­al­ly announ­ced soon.