Ayana Jimbaran Bali - one of the world best resorts

: & Spa, – The best resort in

Set in tro­pi­cal gar­dens per­ched on lime­stone cliffs 35 meters above , this seclu­ded resort, com­pri­sing of a hotel and 78 indi­vi­du­al cliff­top vil­las, real­ly is a place of luxu­ry and refu­ge. Each room har­mo­nious­ly blends the latest modern com­forts with tra­di­tio­nal design, which is high­light­ed in Indo­ne­si­an car­ving, sculp­tu­re, pain­tings and arte­fac­ts. With 5 swim­ming pools and nume­rous lavish dining choices all offe­ring spec­ta­cu­lar views over mys­te­rious coves and the tur­quoi­se waters of the Indian Oce­an, it’s easy to see why this top­ped the list of the best resorts in Asia and came in at num­ber 42 in the best in the world.



Plan­ning your trip - ask us and con­tact us: anfrage@​yakee.​de