mit der Mastercard Bargeld aus dem ATM Automaten in Yangoon & Mandalay

Late last week it was announ­ced that as of 15th Novem­ber any for­eign visi­tor can use to with­draw cash in MMK from avail­ab­le CB machi­nes in &  main­ly.

One can with­draw a maxi­mum of MMK300,000.- in one time, and a maxi­mum of 3 times per day.

Cur­r­ent­ly, over 30 such ATM out­lets are avail­ab­le. To obtain a list of their exact loca­li­ties you can visit the fol­lo­wing web­site: www​.face​book​.com/​C​B​B​a​n​k​m​y​a​n​mar or www​.cbbankmm​.com

It was fur­ther announ­ced that in pre­pa­ra­ti­on of next year’s SEA Games, Decem­ber 2013, whe­re is host coun­try, visi­tors will be able to make full use of their Mas­ter­Card for any pay­ment tran­sac­tion.