Fährplan von Singapore nach Bintan und zurück

Mon­days to Fri­days
From Tanah Merah Ter­mi­nal ( Time) From Bandar Ben­t­an­Te­la­ni ( Time)
0910 1110 1400 0935 1135 1435
1700 2000 1735 2015
Satur­days and Sundays (inclu­ding Public Holi­days)
From Tanah Merah Fer­ry Ter­mi­nal (Sin­g­a­po­re Time) From Bandar Ben­t­an­Te­la­ni (Bin­tan Time)
0810 0910* 1110 0835 0935* 1135
1210 1400 1700 1435 1535 1735
2000 2015

* Satur­days only


  • Fer­ry Sche­du­le effec­tive from 01 Janu­a­ry to 31 Decem­ber 2014.
  • All timings shown in local time
  • Bin­tan is one hour behind Sin­g­a­po­re Time
  • Public Holi­day sche­du­le will not be app­lied if it falls on a Fri­day
  • Addi­tio­nal trips may be sche­du­led for peak holi­day sea­son. For enqui­ries, plea­se con­tact our Hel­pDesk at +65 6542 4369
  • Pri­va­te Char­ters are avail­ab­le on request, sub­ject to avai­la­bi­li­ty. Plea­se click here for more info.