Ein VISA bei Einreise nach Myanmar

It has been announ­ced by the Myan­mar minis­try of immi­gra­ti­on that they will not be accep­t­ing pre-arran­ged visa on arri­val from now on.

This announ­ce­ment is due to the recent ope­ning of the e-visa online which has been working well. Howe­ver this crea­tes a dif­fi­cul­ty for tho­se coun­tries not yet on the e-visa eli­gi­ble list. The government is being made awa­re of this and has announ­ced that they will be ope­ning the e-visa to more coun­tries and we hope it will be soon though we do not have any dates yet. The local Myan­mar tra­vel agent orga­ni­za­ti­on ( UMTA) is working to encou­ra­ge this also.

As it is a new announ­ce­ment, and the minis­tries are get­ting feed­back and being made awa­re of tho­se dif­fi­cul­ties which may exist (pri­ma­ri­ly for tho­se coun­tries not on the eli­gi­ble list) the­re may well be adjust­ments for the poli­cy in the com­ing days and we will let you know if and when they occur.

In the mean­ti­me, tho­se eli­gi­ble should app­ly for e-visa and for tho­se not yet eli­gi­ble for e-visa and with FIT or groups com­ing, plea­se con­tact us for update infor­ma­ti­on. As the situa­ti­on exists, tho­se com­ing from non-eli­gi­ble coun­tries would need to app­ly at an over­se­as Myan­mar embas­sy.

Coun­tries cur­r­ent­ly eli­gi­ble:
Aus­tra­lia, Ban­gla­desh, Bel­gi­um, Bra­zil, Bru­nei, Cam­bo­dia, Cana­da, Chi­na, Czech, Den­mark, Egypt, Fin­land, Fran­ce, Ger­ma­ny, India, Indo­ne­sia, Isra­el, Ita­ly, Japan, Korea (DPR), Korea (Repu­blic), Kuwait, Laos, Malay­sia, Nepal, Nether­lands New Zea­land, Nor­way, Paki­stan, Phil­ip­pi­nes, Poland, Rus­sia, Sau­di Ara­bia, Ser­bia, Sin­g­a­po­re, Spain, Sri Lan­ka, Switz­er­land, Thai­land, Tur­key, United King­dom, United Sta­te of Ame­ri­ca, Viet­nam.

Visa Gebühren Vietnam

Plea­se note that from 1st Janu­a­ry 2013, visa fees for Viet­nam will increa­se. The pri­ces will be the same whe­ther the visa is obtai­ned from the embas­sy or on arri­val in Viet­nam.

One month – sin­gle ent­ry : USD 45
One month – mul­ti­ple ent­ries : USD 65
Three mon­ths – sin­gle ent­ry : USD 45
Three mon­ths – mul­ti­ple ent­ries: USD 95

Prei­se jeweils zzgl. Ver­sand und Bear­bei­tungs­ge­büh­ren bei Bean­tra­gung in Deutsch­land über uns oder über eine Visa­ser­vice