Nach dem Ausbruch des Vulkans Mount Raung in Ostjava und kurzzeitiger Schließung der Flughäfen von Bali und Lombok finden derzeit praktisch wieder alle Flüge planmäßig statt. Aktuelle Informationen sind auf den Webseiten der Flughäfen erhältlich (Externer Link, öffnet in neuem Fenster bzw. Externer Link, öffnet in neuem Fenster
Schlagwort-Archive: Airport
Aschewolke über Indonesien Flughafen Bali geschlossen
Please be advised that due to the volcanic eruption at Mt. Raung located in East Java, the following airports in Indonesia will be closed temporarily due to ash clouds through 11 July at 06:30am. Affected airports: • Ngurah Rai, Bali – Denpasar International Airport (DPS) • Lombok Internasional Airport, Lombok • Selaparang, Lombok • Blimbingsari, Banyuwangi, East Java • Notohadinegoro, Jember – East Java ICS teams are working directly with our partners on all affected bookings. If there are any changes to the situation, we will keep you informed.
Update zur Lage in Thailand 24.05.2014
The latest on Thailand’s military coup as of this morning, Saturday 24th May…
• Protest Sites - Demonstrators have been cleared from all major sites in and around Bangkok as of yesterday. There have, however, been small pockets of protesters popping up around the city who are voicing their disapproval of the military coup. These protests have been peaceful, small in number and have been overseen by the military stationed in the city.
• Nationwide Curfew (11pm-4am) - The curfew will now be in effect from 11pm-4am, nationwide. Then 25th-28th May to be 12am-4am across 24 provinces, mostly in the north and northeast of Thailand. We expect the curfew to be lifed within the next 3-4 days, and will keep you updated on that.
For the curfew, the same applies until further notice - travellers are allowed to travel freely as needed, as are people working night shifts, government workers, those working in the aviation industry, perishable food logistics, hospitals, humaitarian organisations.
People who happen to have urgent or important errands during the curfew hours are advised to seek advice from military officers near their homes.
• Traffic and Public Transport - Traffic, as of this morning, is moving freely throughout Bangkok with seemingly fewer than usual cars on the road.
All roads where demonstrations had been staged and protesters had been camped which were temporarily closed yesterday due to cleanup operations have now all been opened again.
The BTS Skytrain and MRT Subway will operate as normal during the day, but will stop services at 9pm for the duration of the curfew. However, BTS and MRT urge all those travelling with the transport networks not to show up at 9pm in order to catch the last trains, as long queues are to be expected.
• Public Places and Businesses - Are open as normal, however, most will have adjusted opening and closing times in line with curfew hours, with some businesses even opting out of opening altogether.
Anyone planning any visits anywhere is obviously advised to check in advance for any changes to opening and closing times.
• Airports and Transfers - Airports are open as usual and can also confirm that our airport transfer services are still operating as normal. The army has been quoted as saying it will provide security to foreigners, including vacationers who need to move around, even during curfew hours.
• Asia World Sightseeing Tours - Are still operating as normal during the day with clients on evening tours being transferred directly to their hotels afterwards without any issues.
We need to advise, however, that some attractions will have opted to close early to allow their staff time to travel home. On the other hand, some attractions may have decided to cease operations until the curew has been lifted.
In Bangkok for instance, the Calypso Cabaret Show, one of the more popular attractions in Bangkok, will have 1 show in the evening until further notice between 19.30 to 20.30 only. Elsewhere, the Thai Boxing Stadium will be closed until the curfew has been lifted.
There have been few changes in the situation since the coup was announced, we encourage all travellers to go about their planned activities as normal as possible given the limitations in place at the moment. Despite the dramatic appearance on the surface of this situation it is still very safe here in Thailand.
Neue Flughäfen in Indonesien geplant
Indonesien plant 24 neue Flughäfen
Reisende nach Indonesien sollen den Inselstaat noch besser entdecken können. Deshalb plant das Land 24 neue Flughäfen, die bis 2015 den Zugang zu bislang weniger touristisch erschlossenen Inseln und Regionen ermöglichen sollen. Die Airports sollen auf Sumatra, Papua (Foto), den Molukken, Kalimantan und Sulawesi hinzukommen und das bisherige Netz von insgesamt 217 indonesischen Flughäfen ergänzen.
Quelle: Fremdenverkehrsamt Indonesien
Update zu den Protesten in Bangkok
Thailand’s anti-government protest movement is still occupying several major intersections throughout the city in an attempt to ‘shutdown’ Bangkok.
Yesterday, Sunday 23rd February, an incident occurred at the Rajaprasong protest site that resulted in some casualties and caused injuries to others.
The major tourism sites, public transport and airports are open; and all pre-booked excursions and airport transfers are operating as normal.
While the protests are taking place, we will continue to contacts clients arriving into Bangkok to inform them of the location of the protests, and to strongly advise them to avoid these areas along with other large gatherings and demonstrations. They will also be given our hotline number to call for more information.
Vulkanausbruch in Indonesien / Update zum Ausbruch des Mnt. Kelud
wir möchten Ihnen auf diesem Wege ein kurzes Update zu der aktuellen Situation auf Java in Bezug auf den Ausbruch des Vulkans Mt. Kelud zusenden.
• Die Bewohner auf Java konnten am gestrigen Sonntag, 16. Februar, mit den Aufräumarbeiten nach dem Vulkanausbruch beginnen.
• Folgende Flughäfen auf Java nahmen am Wochenende ihren regulären Flugbetrieb wieder auf:
o Tunggul Wulung Airport in Cilacap, Central Java wurde am Sonntag, 16 Februar wieder eröffnet. Vom Tunggul Wulung Flughafen gibt es drei mal täglich Verbindungen zum Halim Perdanakusumah Flughafen in Ost-Jakarta und eine tägliche Verbindung nach Semarang.
o Der Flughafen Husein Sastranegara Airport in Bandung wurde ebenfalls wieder geöffnet.
o In Surabaya in East Java wurde der Juanda International Airport am Samstag, 15. Februar bereits wieder in Betrieb genommen.
o Der Ahmad Yani International Airport in Semarang öffnete ebenfalls wieder.
• Flüge von und nach Yogyakarta und Solo Central Java sind laut der lokalen Flughafenbehörden weiterhin gestrichen. Verkehrsminister E. E Mangidaan gab bekannt, dass der Adi Sucipto Flughafen in Yogyakarta und der Adi Sumarmo Flughafen in Solo voraussichtlich am Dienstag, 18. Februar um 07.00 Uhr Ortszeit wieder geöffnet werden. Es finden dort letzte Reinigungsarbeiten vor der Wiedereröffnung statt.
• Die Tempelanlagen Borobudur und Prambanan werden gerade einer umfangreichen Reinigung unterzogen. Die Wiedereröffnung beider Tempelanlagen wird für die erste Märzwoche 2014, bzw. in etwa 10-14 Tagen erwartet.
Gerne halten wir Sie über weitere Entwicklungen auf dem Laufenden.
Visit Indonesia Tourism Office - Team
72 Stunden visafreier Transit jetzt auch in Guangzhou möglich!
72 Stunden visafreier Transit jetzt auch in Guangzhou möglich!
Seit 1. August 2013 dürfen internationale Transferpassagiere aus 45 Nationen ohne chinesisches Visum am Guangzhou Baiyun International Airport einreisen und einen Stopover von maximal 72 Stunden in Guangzhou und der Provinz Guangdong einlegen. Der Heimatflughafen von China Southern Airlines wird somit als Transferairport für Passagiere nach Südostasien und Australien / Neuseeland noch attraktiver als zuvor.
Die südchinesische Metropole Guangzhou ist nach Shanghai und Peking die dritte Stadt in China, die eine visafreie Einreise erlaubt. Voraussetzung ist neben gültigen Reisedokumenten der Nachweis eines fest gebuchten Fluges für einen Weiterflug in ein Drittland. Der 72 h Stunden visafreie Einreisezeitraum wird ab 0.00 Uhr des nächsten Tages nach der Ankunft des Passagiers berechnet. Genug Zeit also, die Top-Sehenswürdigkeiten, wie z.B. die beiden UNESCO-Welterben, die Diaolou-Türme von Kaiping und das Danxiashan-Gebirge von Shaoguan, zu besichtigen und in das Leben der südchinesischen Metropole einzutauchen.
Berechtigte Passagiere beantragen die visafreie Einreise bei Ihrer Fluggesellschaft, die den Antrag bei der Grenzkontrolle vorlegt. Antragsformulare sind zum Download auf verfügbar und liegen auch an den Ticketschaltern und den Abfluggates von China Southern Airlines in Amsterdam und Paris aus.
Neuer Flughafen in Sri Lankas Süden
Flughafen in Hue bis November 2013 geschlossen
we would like to inform you that the airport in Hue city, Vietnam, is expected to be closed for 8 months (likely be made from March to November 2013) for runway repair.
Bangkog 08. November 2011
The situation in Bangkok remains very much the same as we reported yesterday, despite some additional flooding in the north of the city.
Several hotels in the northern suburbs have experienced some flooding in the surrounding streets; however these hotels are not used by our clients.
Although these northern suburbs remain flooded, the centre of Bangkok, where the hotels, main tourist sites, shopping centres and nightlife areas are located, has not had any flooding. All services (such as power and water) continue to operate in these areas and both the skytrain and the subway are operating as normal.
Suvarnabhumi airport remains open as normal. We recommend clients to allow additional time at the airport for check in.
Don Muang airport has closed and the airlines which normally operate from this airport, Orient Thai Airlines and Nok Air, have relocated to Suvarnabhumi airport.
While there has been some flooding near the river at high tides, the main hotels located along the Chao Praya River continue to operate as normal and the hotel shuttle boats are now allowed to operate on the river as per their usual schedules.
We are not operating the Klong Tour and the dinner cruises, the museums and Vimanmek Mansion are currently closed. We are monitoring the other tourist sites and will amend itineraries accordingly.