Aschewolke über Indonesien Flughafen Bali geschlossen

Plea­se be advi­sed that due to the vol­ca­nic erup­ti­on at Mt. Raung loca­ted in East Java, the fol­lo­wing air­ports in Indo­ne­sia will be clo­sed tem­pora­ri­ly due to ash clouds through 11 July at 06:30am. Affec­ted air­ports: • Ngu­rah Rai, Bali – Den­pa­sar Inter­na­tio­nal Air­port (DPS) • Lom­bok Inter­na­sio­nal Air­port, Lom­bok • Sel­a­parang, Lom­bok • Blim­bings­ari, Banyuwan­gi, East Java • Noto­ha­di­nego­ro, Jem­ber – East Java ICS teams are working direc­t­ly with our part­ners on all affec­ted boo­kings. If the­re are any chan­ges to the situa­ti­on, we will keep you infor­med.

Update zur Lage in Thailand 24.05.2014

The latest on Thailand’s mili­ta­ry coup as of this morning, Satur­day 24th May…
•    Pro­test Sites - Demons­tra­tors have been clea­red from all major sites in and around Bang­kok as of yes­ter­day. The­re have, howe­ver, been small pockets of pro­tes­ters pop­ping up around the city who are voi­cing their disap­pro­val of the mili­ta­ry coup. The­se pro­tests have been peace­ful, small in num­ber and have been over­se­en by the mili­ta­ry sta­tio­ned in the city.
•    Nati­on­wi­de Cur­few (11pm-4am) - The cur­few will now be in effect from 11pm-4am, nati­on­wi­de. Then 25th-28th May to be 12am-4am across 24 pro­vin­ces, most­ly in the north and nor­the­ast of Thai­land. We expect the cur­few to be lifed wit­hin the next 3-4 days, and will keep you updated on that.

For the cur­few, the same app­lies until fur­ther noti­ce - tra­vel­lers are allo­wed to tra­vel free­ly as nee­ded, as are peop­le working night shifts, government workers, tho­se working in the avia­ti­on indus­try, peris­ha­ble food logistics, hos­pi­tals, humai­ta­ri­an orga­ni­sa­ti­ons.

Peop­le who hap­pen to have urgent or important errands during the cur­few hours are advi­sed to seek advice from mili­ta­ry offi­cers near their homes.
•    Traf­fic and Public Trans­port - Traf­fic, as of this morning, is moving free­ly throughout Bang­kok with see­min­gly fewer than usu­al cars on the road.

All roads whe­re demons­tra­ti­ons had been sta­ged and pro­tes­ters had been cam­ped which were tem­pora­ri­ly clo­sed yes­ter­day due to cleanup ope­ra­ti­ons have now all been ope­ned again.

The BTS Sky­train and MRT Sub­way will ope­ra­te as nor­mal during the day, but will stop ser­vices at 9pm for the dura­ti­on of the cur­few. Howe­ver, BTS and MRT urge all tho­se tra­vel­ling with the trans­port net­works not to show up at 9pm in order to catch the last trains, as long queu­es are to be expec­ted.
•    Public Pla­ces and Busi­nes­ses - Are open as nor­mal, howe­ver, most will have adjus­ted ope­ning and clo­sing times in line with cur­few hours, with some busi­nes­ses even opting out of ope­ning altog­e­ther.

Anyo­ne plan­ning any visits any­whe­re is obvious­ly advi­sed to check in advan­ce for any chan­ges to ope­ning and clo­sing times.
•    Air­ports and Trans­fers - Air­ports are open as usu­al and can also con­firm that our air­port trans­fer ser­vices are still ope­ra­ting as nor­mal. The army has been quo­ted as say­ing it will pro­vi­de secu­ri­ty to for­eig­ners, inclu­ding vaca­tio­ners who need to move around, even during cur­few hours.
•    Asia World Sight­see­ing Tours - Are still ope­ra­ting as nor­mal during the day with cli­ents on evening tours being trans­fer­red direc­t­ly to their hotels after­wards wit­hout any issu­es.

We need to advi­se, howe­ver, that some attrac­tions will have opted to clo­se ear­ly to allow their staff time to tra­vel home. On the other hand, some attrac­tions may have deci­ded to cea­se ope­ra­ti­ons until the curew has been lifted.

In Bang­kok for instan­ce, the Calyp­so Caba­ret Show, one of the more popu­lar attrac­tions in Bang­kok, will have 1 show in the evening until fur­ther noti­ce bet­ween 19.30 to 20.30 only. Else­whe­re, the Thai Boxing Sta­di­um will be clo­sed until the cur­few has been lifted.
The­re have been few chan­ges in the situa­ti­on sin­ce the coup was announ­ced, we encou­ra­ge all tra­vel­lers to go about their plan­ned activi­ties as nor­mal as pos­si­ble given the limi­ta­ti­ons in place at the moment. Despi­te the dra­ma­tic appearan­ce on the sur­face of this situa­ti­on it is still very safe here in Thai­land.

Neueste Infos - Stand der Unruhen in Bangkok am 27.01.2014

Thailand´s anti-government pro­test move­ment is still occu­py­ing several major inter­sec­tions throughout the city in an attempt to ‘shut­down’ Bang­kok. The Thai government has impo­sed a 60-day sta­te of emer­gen­cy in Bang­kok and several sur­roun­ding pro­vin­ces.

Despi­te a few inci­dents over the wee­kend, the situa­ti­on remains very much the same as last week.

All pre-boo­ked excur­si­ons and air­port trans­fers are ope­ra­ting as nor­mal.
Tou­rism sites, public trans­port and both air­ports are open and ope­ra­ting as nor­mal.

While the pro­tests are taking place, we will con­ti­nue to con­tac­ts cli­ents arri­ving into Bang­kok to inform them of the loca­ti­on of the pro­tests, and to advi­se them to avo­id the­se are­as along with other lar­ge gathe­rings and demons­tra­ti­ons.

News Thailand: flooding Neueste Nachrichten über die Überschwemmungen in Thailand


We would like to update you on the latest situa­ti­on regar­ding the floo­ding and wea­ther con­di­ti­ons around Thai­land.

Ayutt­ha­ya is still floo­ded, and all Asia World sight­see­ing tours to Ayutt­ha­ya are sus­pen­ded until at least the end of Octo­ber. Our sight­see­ing tours to Lop­bu­ri and Uthai Tha­ni are also sus­pen­ded, but all other Asia World tours are ope­ra­ting as nor­mal, inclu­ding our sight­see­ing tours in Bang­kok.

Some sub­urbs on the far north out­s­kirts of Bang­kok have been floo­ded, but so far the city cent­re has­n’t been affec­ted. Many shops and houses are lay­ing out sand­bags to pro­tect against the floods, but so far they have not been nee­ded in cen­tral Bang­kok. The aut­ho­ri­ties are doing their best to mana­ge the flow of water so that it drains saf­ley into the sea through Bangkok’s exten­si­ve canal net­work, and during this pro­cess it is pos­si­ble that some canals may overs­pill and cau­se some floo­ding. Howe­ver, at this sta­ge it looks unli­kely that the cen­tral busi­ness district and the are­as whe­re most tou­rist attrac­tions and hotels are will beco­me serious­ly floo­ded.

We are moni­to­ring the situa­ti­on very clo­se­ly and, as always, the safe­ty of our cli­ents is our num­ber one prio­ri­ty. If the situa­ti­on chan­ges in Bang­kok or any other part of Thai­land we will update you as soon as pos­si­ble, and we have very care­ful con­tin­gen­cy plans in place in case the floo­ding is wor­se than expec­ted.

The floo­ded high­ways in Cen­tral Thai­land are star­ting to clear, with some sec­tions that were pre­vious­ly floo­ded beco­m­ing acces­si­ble. Howe­ver, as a safe­ty pre­cau­ti­on our clas­sic Bang­kok to the North over­land tour is still being re-rou­t­ed along high­way 340 ins­tead of Asia High­way No. 1, which results in an extra 2.5 hours jour­ney time for this tour.

All trains from Bang­kok to the north of Thai­land are can­cel­led until fur­ther noti­ce.

The­re is no dis­rup­ti­on to any air­ports in Thai­land, inclu­ding Bangkok’s main inter­na­tio­nal air­port which has for­ti­fied its flood walls as an extra precua­ti­on.

Quel­le Asia World

Erdbeben /​ Earthquake on Bali


A 6.0-magnitude ear­th­qua­ke (accord­ing to the U.S. Geo­lo­gi­cal Sur­vey) hit 100km sou­thwest of Bali ear­ly today (Thurs­day 13th Octo­ber) ratt­ling buil­dings.

The epi­cent­re was in the oce­an south of Bali’s capi­tal Den­pa­sar, but no tsu­na­mi warning has been issued. Dama­ge to some buil­dings has been repor­ted and appro­xi­mate­ly 50 peop­le suf­fe­red minor inju­ries from fal­ling debris.

None of the hotels have been dama­ged and all the excur­si­ons are ope­ra­ting as nor­mal.
The boat trips around Bali are also ope­ra­ting as nor­mal. The only excep­ti­on is the Bali to Lom­bok Gili­cat cata­ma­ran which has been delay­ed, and may be can­cel­led, due to hig­her than nor­mal waves in the Lom­bok Strait.

The­re is the pos­si­bi­li­ty of afters­hocks and we will con­ti­nue to moni­tor the situa­ti­on and pro­vi­de updates if necessa­ry.

Thailand: Lage in den Ueberschwemmungsgebieten weiterhin angespannt

Mit einem schritt­wei­sen Ueber­gang zu tro­cke­ner Wit­te­rung hat sich die Lage im gesam­ten Nor­den Thai­lands ein­schließ­lich der Regi­on um Chiang Mai sowie in der Gegend um Phu­ket im Sue­den wie­der voll­kom­men nor­ma­li­siert. In eini­gen Pro­vin­zen Zen­tral­thai­lands, ins­be­son­de­re am Unter­lauf des Chao Phra­ya, hat sich die Situa­ti­on jedoch wei­ter zuge­spitzt.

 Ayutt­ha­ya ist der­zeit beson­ders betrof­fen. Gro­ße Tei­le der Innen­stadt und des Tem­pel­are­als sind seit dem 8. Okto­ber ueber­flu­tet, die Stadt kann der­zeit nicht auf dem Land­weg erreicht wer­den. Eine Ent­span­nung ist hier nicht vor Mit­te naechs­ter Woche in Sicht.

 Wei­ter­hin unter­bro­chen sind die Zug­ver­bin­dun­gen in den Nor­den und die an Ayutt­ha­ya vor­bei­fueh­ren­de Haupt­ver­bin­dungs­stra­ße zwi­schen Bang­kok und Chiang Mai. Ueber alter­na­ti­ve Rou­ten besteht jedoch wei­ter­hin eine Stra­ßen­ver­bin­dung zwi­schen dem Groß­raum Bang­kok und dem Nor­den.

 Im Groß­raum Bang­kok sind aktu­ell meh­re­re direkt am Ufer gele­ge­ne Außen­be­zir­ke im Nor­den und Osten ueber­flu­tet. Auch im Stadt­zen­trum stieg der Pegel­stand des Chao Phra­ya bereits in den letz­ten Tagen an, der­zeit sind jedoch alle Besich­ti­gun­gen in der Bang­ko­ker Innen­stadt moeg­lich. Der Schei­tel­punkt des Hoch­was­sers wird hier aller­dings erst zwi­schen dem 16. und 18. Okto­ber erwar­tet. Die Beho­er­den haben umfas­sen­de Vor­sor­ge­maß­nah­men zum Schutz der Innen­stadt getrof­fen. Es lie­gen der­zeit jedoch kei­ne ver­la­ess­li­chen Pro­gno­sen vor, ob und in wel­chem Umfang es waeh­rend der kri­ti­schen Tage zu Behin­de­run­gen bei den tou­ris­ti­schen Besich­ti­gun­gen in Bang­kok kommt. Die Flughae­fen und die von uns genutz­ten Hotels in Bang­kok wer­den dage­gen ohne Ein­schra­en­kun­gen funk­tio­nie­ren.



Weather Situation Phuket Koh Samui Südthailand

Plea­se allow us to keep you updated on the latest wea­ther con­di­ti­ons in Thai­land:

 The wea­ther in sou­thern Thai­land has impro­ved great­ly over the last 24 hours, and things are star­ting to return to nor­mal. The cur­rent situa­ti­on is as fol­lows:


Wea­ther is fine on Phu­ket today, and the air­port and all major roads remain open.

All of our island tours and speed boat trips are ope­ra­ting now, alt­hough they could be can­cel­led if the wea­ther wor­sens.

All boats and fer­ries from Phu­ket to near­by islands are ope­ra­ting as nor­mal.

Koh Samui:


Alt­hough the­re has been some rain­fall today, the floods on the island have signi­fi­cant­ly redu­ced, and trans­port around the island is rela­tively easy. The­re is still some clean-up work to be done, but things are retur­ning to nor­mal.

Koh Samui air­port is open and ope­ra­ting as nor­mal.

All fer­ries and boats to and from Koh Samui, bet­ween the main­land and other islands (Koh Pha Ngan, Koh Tao) are run­ning as nor­mal.

All of our sea excur­si­ons, island tours and speed boat trips are ope­ra­ting now, alt­hough they could be can­cel­led if the wea­ther wor­sens.



All fer­ries and boats bet­ween Kra­bi and near­by islands are ope­ra­ting as nor­mal today.

All of our sea excur­si­ons around Kra­bi  are ope­ra­ting now, alt­hough they could be can­cel­led if the wea­ther wor­sens.

Kra­bi and Trang air­ports are still open and ope­ra­ting as nor­mal.

Sou­thern Thai­land:


Nak­horn Si Thamma­rat air­port is still floo­ded and the­re­fo­re remains clo­sed as of today.


No trains are ope­ra­ting to or bey­ond Nak­horn Si Thamma­rat, the most sou­ther­ly pro­vin­ce that trains are ser­vicing is Surat Tha­ni.

Wettersituation in Thailand Stand 31.03.11

Plea­se allow us to keep you updated on the latest wea­ther con­di­ti­ons in Thai­land:

Seve­re wea­ther con­di­ti­ons in sou­thern Thai­land are still affec­ting Koh Samui, Kra­bi Sou­thern Thai­land and the sur­roun­ding are­as.

The cur­rent situa­ti­on is as fol­lows:


Alt­hough Phu­ket has seen some bad wea­ther and hea­vy rain, the air­port and all major roads are still open.

The rough sea con­di­ti­ons are pre­ven­ting smal­ler boats from ope­ra­ting, so all of our island tours and speed boat trips are can­cel­led until fur­ther noti­ce.

Lar­ge fer­ries from Phu­ket to Koh Phi Phi are still ope­ra­ting as nor­mal.

Plea­se note that this situa­ti­on might chan­ge if the wea­ther wor­sens signi­fi­cant­ly.

Koh Samui:

Many parts of the island are floo­ded, inclu­ding Cha­weng and Lamai beaches and Bophut. Trans­port around the island is dif­fi­cult.

Samui air­port is still ope­ra­ting at a very redu­ced capa­ci­ty, alt­hough 2 Bang­kok Air­ways flights mana­ged to lea­ve for Bang­kok ear­lier today. No fer­ries are arri­ving or depar­ting the island from eit­her the main­land or any other near­by islands inclu­ding Koh Pha Ngan and Koh Tao.

Fer­ries from the main­land to /​ from Koh Pha Ngan and Koh Tao are also can­cel­led until fur­ther noti­ce.

All of our boat trips and sea excur­si­ons around Samui have been can­cel­led until fur­ther noti­ce.

Kra­bi and sur­roun­ding area:

All fer­ries bet­ween Kra­bi and  Koh Phi Phi, and bet­ween Kra­bi and Koh Lan­ta are can­cel­led until fur­ther noti­ce.
All fer­ries bet­ween Koh Lan­ta and Koh Ngai, Koh Mook and Koh Lipe are can­cel­led until fur­ther noti­ce.

Koh Lan­ta can still be reached over­land.

If any cli­ents would like to post­po­ne or can­cel their boat trans­fer we will be rea­dy to assist in liai­sing with hotels and the fer­ry com­pa­nies. For any pregnant cli­ents, we would advi­se against using boat trans­fers until the wea­ther impro­ves.

All of our sea excur­si­ons in the affec­ted are­as have been can­cel­led until fur­ther noti­ce.

Kra­bi and Trang Air­ports are still open and ope­ra­ting as nor­mal.

Sou­thern Thai­land

Ori­ent Thai Air­lines, who flies to Nak­horn Si Thamma­rat air­port in sou­thern Thai­land, has can­cel­led all flights and is re-rou­ting pas­sen­gers to Phu­ket, Trang and Hat Yai, or allo­wing a chan­ge of tra­vel dates or a full refund.

Thai Air Asia has also can­cel­led all Nak­horn Si Thamma­rat flights, rerou­ting pas­sen­gers to near­by air­ports or allo­wing chan­ge of tra­vel dates wit­hin 92 days of ori­gi­nal tra­vel dates. Refunds are offe­red depen­ding on ticket con­di­ti­ons. The nea­rest alter­na­ti­ve air­port is Surat Tha­ni, and the air­line is pro­vi­ding a free shut­tle ser­vice from the­re to Nak­horn Si Thamma­rat.

Nok Air has also stop­ped all Nak­horn Si Thamma­rat flights until 4th April and is offe­ring refunds and alter­na­ti­ve tra­vel opti­ons simi­lar to the other air­lines.

No trains are ope­ra­ting to or bey­ond Nak­horn Si Thamma­rat, the most sou­ther­ly pro­vin­ce that trains are ser­vicing is Surat Tha­ni.