Update weather condition Thailand

Plea­se let us update you about the cur­rent wea­ther con­di­ti­on in Sou­thern Thai­land. 

The wea­ther con­di­ti­on in Koh Samui is almost back to nor­mal today. The­re is no more rain. Only some lower are­as are still affec­ted with the flood, but most are­as are clea­ned up or are under the clea­ning pro­cess.

Most are­as have not been affec­ted with the flood in Phu­ket as the­re is no hea­vy the­re. For Kra­bi, it is slight­ly clou­dy sky with sunshi­ne today.

Air­port and Air­lines

- Samui Air­port: The regu­lar­ly sche­du­led flights of Thai Air­ways and Bang­kok Air­ways have been resu­med as air visi­bi­li­ty at Samui Air­port is safe for flight ope­ra­ti­ons. The air­port is not crow­ded any­mo­re as the num­ber of stran­ded pas­sen­gers has redu­ced. Still, out­go­ing flights from Samui are slight­ly delay­ed due to the check-in pro­ce­du­re. 

- Phu­ket Air­port: The air­port was ope­ra­ting throughout the past days wit­hout huge delays.

- Kra­bi Air­port: The air­port can be acces­sed as nor­mal.

Fer­ry Ser­vices

*Rou­tes that fer­ries are ope­ra­ted as nor­mal:
- From main­land to Koh Samui
- From/​to Koh Phan­gan and Koh Tao
- From Kra­bi to Koh Lan­ta
- From Kra­bi to Phi Phi Island

*Rou­tes that fer­ries still have been sus­pen­ded:
- From Koh Lan­ta to Koh Mook /​ Koh Kra­dan /​ Koh Ngai


Wettersituation in Thailand Stand 31.03.11

Plea­se allow us to keep you updated on the latest wea­ther con­di­ti­ons in Thai­land:

Seve­re wea­ther con­di­ti­ons in sou­thern Thai­land are still affec­ting Koh Samui, Kra­bi Sou­thern Thai­land and the sur­roun­ding are­as.

The cur­rent situa­ti­on is as fol­lows:


Alt­hough Phu­ket has seen some bad wea­ther and hea­vy rain, the air­port and all major roads are still open.

The rough sea con­di­ti­ons are pre­ven­ting smal­ler boats from ope­ra­ting, so all of our island tours and speed boat trips are can­cel­led until fur­ther noti­ce.

Lar­ge fer­ries from Phu­ket to Koh Phi Phi are still ope­ra­ting as nor­mal.

Plea­se note that this situa­ti­on might chan­ge if the wea­ther wor­sens signi­fi­cant­ly.

Koh Samui:

Many parts of the island are floo­ded, inclu­ding Cha­weng and Lamai beaches and Bophut. Trans­port around the island is dif­fi­cult.

Samui air­port is still ope­ra­ting at a very redu­ced capa­ci­ty, alt­hough 2 Bang­kok Air­ways flights mana­ged to lea­ve for Bang­kok ear­lier today. No fer­ries are arri­ving or depar­ting the island from eit­her the main­land or any other near­by islands inclu­ding Koh Pha Ngan and Koh Tao.

Fer­ries from the main­land to /​ from Koh Pha Ngan and Koh Tao are also can­cel­led until fur­ther noti­ce.

All of our boat trips and sea excur­si­ons around Samui have been can­cel­led until fur­ther noti­ce.

Kra­bi and sur­roun­ding area:

All fer­ries bet­ween Kra­bi and  Koh Phi Phi, and bet­ween Kra­bi and Koh Lan­ta are can­cel­led until fur­ther noti­ce.
All fer­ries bet­ween Koh Lan­ta and Koh Ngai, Koh Mook and Koh Lipe are can­cel­led until fur­ther noti­ce.

Koh Lan­ta can still be reached over­land.

If any cli­ents would like to post­po­ne or can­cel their boat trans­fer we will be rea­dy to assist in liai­sing with hotels and the fer­ry com­pa­nies. For any pregnant cli­ents, we would advi­se against using boat trans­fers until the wea­ther impro­ves.

All of our sea excur­si­ons in the affec­ted are­as have been can­cel­led until fur­ther noti­ce.

Kra­bi and Trang Air­ports are still open and ope­ra­ting as nor­mal.

Sou­thern Thai­land

Ori­ent Thai Air­lines, who flies to Nak­horn Si Thamma­rat air­port in sou­thern Thai­land, has can­cel­led all flights and is re-rou­ting pas­sen­gers to Phu­ket, Trang and Hat Yai, or allo­wing a chan­ge of tra­vel dates or a full refund.

Thai Air Asia has also can­cel­led all Nak­horn Si Thamma­rat flights, rerou­ting pas­sen­gers to near­by air­ports or allo­wing chan­ge of tra­vel dates wit­hin 92 days of ori­gi­nal tra­vel dates. Refunds are offe­red depen­ding on ticket con­di­ti­ons. The nea­rest alter­na­ti­ve air­port is Surat Tha­ni, and the air­line is pro­vi­ding a free shut­tle ser­vice from the­re to Nak­horn Si Thamma­rat.

Nok Air has also stop­ped all Nak­horn Si Thamma­rat flights until 4th April and is offe­ring refunds and alter­na­ti­ve tra­vel opti­ons simi­lar to the other air­lines.

No trains are ope­ra­ting to or bey­ond Nak­horn Si Thamma­rat, the most sou­ther­ly pro­vin­ce that trains are ser­vicing is Surat Tha­ni.

Flughafen Frankfurt Fluginfos per Mail

Frank­furt: Flug­in­for­ma­tio­nen per E-Mail
 Urlau­ber und Geschäfts­rei­sen­de, die am Flug­ha­fen Frank­furt abflie­gen oder ankom­men, kön­nen sich seit Kur­zem Infor­ma­tio­nen zu ihrem Flug auto­ma­tisch per E-Mail schi­cken las­sen. Dazu gehö­ren mög­li­che Ände­run­gen der Abflugs- und Ankunfts­zei­ten oder des jewei­li­gen Gates. Außer­dem gibt es Zusatz­in­fos etwa zum Check-in oder Abho­ler-Bereich, eine Park­emp­feh­lung und die Kon­takt­da­ten des Fra­port Com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on Cen­ters, wo wei­te­re Aus­künf­te per Tele­fon ein­ge­holt wer­den kön­nen. Auch Abho­lern steht der neue Ser­vice zur Ver­fü­gung. Wer den “Flight Info Ser­vice” nut­zen will, kann sich bis zu vier Wochen vor Abflug oder Ankunft auf der Rei­se-Home­page des Flug­ha­fens Frank­furt für sei­nen Flug regis­trie­ren las­sen.
Zum E-Mail-Ser­vice unter www​.frank​furt​-air​port​.de/​e​m​a​i​l​F​l​i​g​h​t​i​nfo

Kostenlose Übernachtung in Taipeh bis 30. Juni 2011

Chi­na Air­lines Busi­ness Class Kun­den, die von Deutsch­land über Tai­pei zu einem Ziel in Fest­land Chi­na oder nach Hong­kong rei­sen, erhal­ten wahl­wei­se auf dem Hin oder Rück­flug einen kos­ten­lo­se Über­nach­tung im Novo­tel Tai­pei Taoyuan.  Das erst im Novem­ber 2009 eröff­ne­te Novo­tel Tai­pei Taaoyuan Inter­na­tio­nal Air­port ist ein moderen­se V4 Ster­ne Haus mit 360 zim­mern, 2 Restau­rants und Bars sowie einem Pool und Fit­ness­be­reich.

Das Hotel­an­ge­bot ist gül­tig für Abflü­ge bis ein­schließ­lich 30.06.2011 und ist abhän­gig von der Ver­füg­bar­keit des Zim­mers zum Zeit­punkt der Anfra­ge. Die Reser­vie­rung soll­te min­des­tens drei Werk­ta­ge vor Abflug erfol­gen.